New Project 1 – Space-Elements


Ground Water Study

Newly constructed nursing institute in Ahmedabad

The primary objective of the study is to investigate and understand subsoil formation by delineating sub-surface aquifer conditions and sub-surface layer information to know the depth of the potential water-bearing zone or potential groundwater recharge zone.

Newly constructed nursing institute is ready to put in operation. Therefore, Client entrusted SPACE ELEMENTS as their consultant to carry out Hydro-geological conditions to design rainwater recharge structures to comply with statutory guidelines. However, objective has been further enlarged to ensure yearly water demand of the facility by maintaining groundwater baseflow while mitigating water logging.

The conceptual design was received with broad behaviour of the flood scenario over the past few years. The comprehensive approach was adopted for benefit of the surrounding region, people, and society while defining locations of the rainwater harvesting system.

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