Surface-water Assessment and Groundwater study for a glass manufacturing company in Gujarat
The objective of the study was to conduct a water audit by detailed surface water assessment and groundwater study with the context of the onsite business requirements by collecting process information, plant activities, water demand load, water consumption data, and water discharge pattern of the campus.
The client was aiming to transform their existing facility into Zero Liquid Discharge (ZLD) campus, being a responsible environmental leader in the industry. Where term ‘’Liquid’’ is referred to water being used in the process and rainfall quantity within the campus. SPACE ELEMENTS partnered with a waste-water engineering company to recommend technical solutions, that confirm that Internal water would remain within the campus by adopting an integrated water resource planning and design approach without adding external rainwater load on the campus.
The study provided water resource planning and design solutions to meet water demand for the premises for the next decade to ensure business sustainability and to develop the water-neutral campus to maintain groundwater base flow in streams.